Our deepest fear isn't that we're inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we're powerful beyond measure

Monday, February 2, 2009


Called my Gen Phys and I totally need to get a whole vile of blood drawn
a whole 'notha huge hollow needle stuck in my arm...
a whole 'notha five days of my arm being bruised sore...
a whole 'notha $80 plus dollas to get the lab results
aaaand will probably have to pay for the visit...

Just venting...I'll be more positive in a couple of moments.

From what I understand this is just the non-medical review... to make sure everything is checked and filled out correctly.
THEN they are going to actually look at the content. I can see how this takes a year.

It's all good though, just buys me time to get my life in order.
I should call back and actually MAKE an appointment. I was so let down in the moment I just said "OK" and got off the phone, sigh. I'm so dramatic.

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