Our deepest fear isn't that we're inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we're powerful beyond measure

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

#7 Afternoon naps

Shout out first of all because I have an “occupation” right now that allows afternoon naps! That alone is wondrous. Yet, it gets even better here in Ecuador. Whenever my work day ends early, I get sooooo excited because there is a chance the sun is till out right were I need it to be for my after noon naps. I come home and lay in my super cozy bed right in front of my huge window and I open the curtains and the sheers and just sun bathe basically until I drift into a dreamy sleep. It’s The.Best. I of course have my fan workin over time which makes dreams of beach getaways a breeze. ..wait was that a pun? A lot of times I wake up when it gets dark, as if the darkness has disturbed my sleep and now I must waken to get on with my day. That’s exactly how it goes. I get up and proceed to eat some dinner and continue on with my night activities. But those afternoon naps falling asleep in the sun, are something I will always think back on when reminiscing about my time in Ecuador

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