Our deepest fear isn't that we're inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we're powerful beyond measure

Friday, February 12, 2010

Apartment Pics.Totally Out Of Order, But Totally Here! Disfuta :)

Alright I was going to narrate my apt pics but that takes forever and I still haven’t put these up….so here is a tour of my place. The pictures are going to have to speak their 1,000 words. Oh but stay tuned for Apt Upgrade pics as I plan on having more than a bed and fridge one day



American Refugee said...

Thanks for posting these! I was really curious as to what your everyday living situation was looking like.

Sunshine Builder Freedom Dancer said...

So what do you think? Is it what you expected? It´s actually nicer than I anticipated for Peace Corps and in these pics my bed room looks almost posh :)

SergtPeppa said...

Lovin' the apartment! Is that a Mi Comiseriato shower curtain?

Anonymous said...

is this the place across from my old casita? i thought mathias was gonna move there? super cute!

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