Well that's because it's pretty anti-climatic.
He was hanging around and at first not speaking and I was like ummm that's not gonna work.
So I told Lottie that I needed to be introduced, because in the same way that I was hoping he wouldn't be there...and everday he was....he was probably thinking the same thing about me. I needed him to know that I was going to be there for dos años! So she introduced us and told him that I'm working with the Mujeres De Lucha and I will be there for two years. I held out my hand... weak shake from him...eyes on to the ground and he mumbled out a saludo.
Whatever, as long as he knows I'm gonna be there and that we are gonna have to make nice if we want our days together to be as easy as possible.
Well would you know day after day he would try to roll on the scene and not saludo me!? I was like naaaw naw now naw. That's not gonna work. The way in the US it's polite to great people when you come into there presence well it's times 5 here. Usually you go around and shake everyones hand and kiss them on the check. You acknowledge everyone! So he was being out of pocket. So I just started greeting him extra strong and in his face. Usually by the time I got out my extra loud, brava "Buen..." He come through the with "Buenas DIAS!" Like RIGHT I know better and I see your not letting this go.
That was how it was last month. For a few weeks there he stopped showing up to work. I was like "mmm-hmmm" but it is what is is. Just the other day though he showed up again. Apparently, with a story that his cousin is stealing the money he makes at the Panaderia or something. One of the ladies was like "Ha ha imagine that a thief complaining about a thief ha ha" I was like... I don't find any of this funny. As I never do when my ladron is the topic.
He does act way more humble around me though...if I'm walking he's stepping out of the way, if I roll up and he's sitting he makes sure I don't need a seat. And we are all clear on who sits at the table for lunch! Whew! lol. That was such a dramatic day man..shaking my head...
IT DID come up that Lottie did kind of corner him an was like, Look, we all know that you stole from our girl, Her purse, her books, her phone and her IDs. The lady that cooks us lunch and makes bolons to sell told me. I was like WHA!? She's like yeah, you're not supposed to know lol. You gotta love working with nothing but women! So now I KNOW that he KNOWS that I KNOW. Maybe that's where the new attitude has come from. He's gone from trying to avoid me in case I recognize him to. Oh snap well I'm caught. I wasn't clear what he knew before, but now I do. Maybe that's why he wasn't showing up for awhile. Who knows. I just know that I'm not trying to mess with Lady Karma at.all. cause we've all heard she can be quite the.....
I'm out!
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