Our deepest fear isn't that we're inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we're powerful beyond measure

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Days In The Mean Streets...

Alright, I found a Internet Cafe, but nothing on this computer works...

Just wanted to touch base and say I´m here safe...

not gonna lie...these first few days have been pretty rough...

I´m so worn out and my Spanish is muy malo ugh...but with patients everything will turn out just fine...

I know I owe people emails...and Ihave even written some, but my flashdrive is playing me or maybe it´s this viejo computer that won´t recognize it.

Either way I can´t send off these messages ugh...

I have updated my new mailing address and that´s about all I can do today...

Hopefully I´ll have more luck with my computer, my flash, my language, my energy and all things here in the near future!

Love and miss you all!!!

(comnig attractions... I´m trying to do a journey in pictures that has proven to be quite the task on these old computers...but my first (and only at this point) will post tomorroww) Besos!


Unknown said...

Use your computer to scan your thumb drive for viruses, public computers are sure to be infected, so scan often.

Candi Glenn said...

Thank God... Been waiting on this message! Stay encourage muchacha! We miss you over here!

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