Our deepest fear isn't that we're inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we're powerful beyond measure

Friday, March 30, 2012

Watch out Ebony & Vogue, Here I Come!

My first magazine appearance!

Remember how I wrote an article for my organizations international magazine? Well here’s the article! Yeah, before you get excited my exact words were not used, more like the general information, but they used the only pictures I submitted that had my joven and me in it. Most of the pictures I submitted were just of her. But it’s fun for people at home to see. Also, on the other page my co-facilitator wrote an article on an outing we took to Manabí. They also changed his words but I’m in those pictures too, but you probably can’t see it. Either way, it’s my first two page magazine spread and so I’m sharing it with you all :)

1 comment:

a.eye said...

Congrats! Even if not your direct words, they are giving you props!!

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