I don’t know if it’s because I’m thinking about returning to the States or what. Sure I’m in my 6 month count down and I certainly can write more about that, but this week has found me more frustrated than normal. I have dealt with instances like this many times since I’ve been living in Ecuador but this month I just wasn’t as patient or tolerant or something….not sure what’s with me, but here’s a glimpse into how business get down here in my neck of the woods…
Incident #1
First I had a package to pick up in Esmeraldas. This task took me over two weeks to accomplish. I live in Sua, I work in Atacames and Esmeraldas is an hour trip from Atacames and an hour and a half from Sua. I went the first time to pick up that package and an hour bus ride and a $3 cab ride later the lady tells me, great, I have now accepted the package. What? What does that even mean? I literally did all that travel, just for her to mouse click "accept" on her computer. Now what? I can come back in 3 days to receive a piece of paper that I will then have to take to the bank (because the post office doesn’t handle money she tells me) and then carry the exorbitant amount of money back to the post office to pick up my package. That alone sounded like a lot. Knowing how things go here, I didn’t go back in 3 days I went back in four. Same hour long bus ride, had to ask off work, another cab ride there and back, just to hear that the little piece of paper isn’t ready yet. I’ll just repeat that 3 more times over the past two weeks. Making this journey only to hear “ya, no” every time I showed up from my half day journey. Argh so much time, so much money and so much effort! Why!? It´s too hot for all that! :) And for the record the post office Does deal with money because after I went to the bank to pay all that money to get the package out, she still charged me a smooth $5 for what I don’t even know. I could give you the painful details of each trip but why….
Incident #2
I have maybe had internet in my house for about 4 months, I signed a contract for 18 months for unlimited internet access. This weekend it stopped working. No biggie, it happens. Friday nothing, Saturday nothing, Sunday still nothing strange. I don’t even know how long I gave it, maybe until Monday or Tuesday before I went to the office in Atacames to see what the deal was. You see, due to the heartbreak and headache it was to get internet in the FIRST Place I was shamed to even show my face in that office. Having to go EVERY SINGLE DAY only to be told, “Mañana” everyday and having to get brava with the customer service people just to get a service I was paying for is why I was reluctant to go back in the office to be “that girl” once again.
The same lady was there as always and I told her my internet hasn’t been working for about 5 days. She puts in my information and says “Oh yeah you had the unlimited plan they aren’t offering that anymore” in my head I’m thinking, alright so I guess no new customers will be getting that. So I ask, so when will my service be back.. “ She tell me they’ve suspended everyone’s service who had the unlimited plan cause they aren’t offering it anymore. 4 months into an 18 month contract? Isn’t that binding on both sides? “Ya,no”.
Come back tomorrow she tells me, to talk to the special customer service guy tomorrow. I was like “Are you sure? Cause you know me, I’ll be here” “Seguro Seguro, he’ll be here”. Wanna guess if he was there te next day? So what does the lady tells me “It’s better for you to go to Esmeraldas to find him to see what you can do”. The reason I went with this company to begin with is because they were local and going to Esmeraldas is a production. Lady: Shoulder shrug. Like a fool I take the second half of the day off to go to Esmeraldas, hour bus ride, $3 dollar cab, find the big office. They are closed for this reason or that. That’s when I realize this business has cut my service, without warning and I am going all over trying to pay them to jerk me around.
(Update: Went back yesterday and today, and it´s been the same thing..)
So ridiculous. The thing is I’ve become used to this. IT happened to me in Guayaquil and every time I wanted to blog about it I was always so devastated I couldn’t. Happened with my fridge (bought a new fridge to avoid drama, a week later after dealing with a lemon and having to go back and forth with the business they finally switch it out, lots of calls, lots of visits, lots of tears), with my internet there (I ended up buying chocolates for the staff after all we had been through together) , with the bank I could go on. When small tiendas have different customs I get it. They’re tiny mom and pops (and in my opinion more reliable). However almost 3 years later I am astonished how bona fide business treat their customers.
So as far as the internet company, I’m just going to make sure they aren’t taking money out of my account for there non service and I’m looking at it as a blessing, cause I’m leaving before my contract is over ANYWAY. I have online projects I was in the midst of, but when there is a will there is a way and I’ll figure it out…
Hate to rant and be negative. It’s just that I think it’s interesting that I’m thinking in my head “This wouldn’t happen in the States”, and maybe that’s a sign I’m seeing the positives about the US in my preparation to go back.
Please note I realize I’m in the Peace Corps and A LOT of people have a WAY harder time getting their mail and having internet AT ALL is amazing. I’m just saying, business don’t fawn over their customers like in the U.S. I mean people get treated horribly in the US too, but usually if you cause enough of a stink you get a complimentary something and they make it right. Well at least in my imagination it’s that way. Maybe this is a Grass is Greener moment... Either way this week I am underwhelmed with with customer service...
Still loving life, and Ecuador though!! Until next time!!!